I’ve tried to make lists in my “sketchbooks” and use them for writing and everything, but I can’t do it. Sometimes I get something in my head and I write pages and pages and pages until I get it resolved. Sometimes a Scripture will strike me and I write pages and pages on it. I could not and still cannot write in a “sketchbook”. It just doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t have lines and the paper is too heavy and expensive feeling for something as simple as writing. I also can’t seem to freely sketch and make messy sketchy notes in a sketchbook – what with all the books on journaling and the whole idea of making a journal page with collage elements and mixed media, etc. I can’t bring myself to do a gesture drawing on a page. I can’t seem to do a page without adding color. If it’s in a sketchbook I feel like it has to be a piece of art worthy of sharing with the world. Then I do my “Heart Songs” on the 5x7 pieces of Stonehenge or watercolor paper that I carry around, always wondering if they are true “art”, or just doodles since they come from my imagination. It has really become overwhelming and quite ridiculous. The more I look at other people’s work and read the more overwhelmed, disjointed, and inadequate I feel.
Then I read how Cathy (Kate) Johnson keeps everything in one book and how her life feels whole because of that change. I can’t figure out how to go about doing this. “No. I can’t give up my writing journal,” I tell myself, “because there are days when I write many pages.” So I had given up the idea and told myself I had to have several books for each activity.
Yesterday after writing in my writing journal about this “dilemma”, I went to lunch and I was so tired from all the thinking and pondering I’ve been doing about what to take to the beach – which sketchbook, what art supplies, which books, etc. – that I was sick of the whole mess. I didn’t even want to pull out my art supplies and sketchbook at lunch. I sat in the park in the car under a shade tree.
They were, as you can see from the photo, very rough little drawings, but I was totally relaxed doing them and it was just in my writing journal so it didn’t matter…
I did another page of their different poses; then I saw a groundskeeper and began to draw him too. I filled up a page. I drew the pine tree. It wasn’t great, but I kept working – it was, after all, just in my writing journal. I kept working and then it began to dawn on me…
I was free – I was sketching! I was drawing! I was writing! I was making myself notes in the margin! I was relaxed and having fun! I wasn’t trying to make a good page!
I had never thought of it. I was thinking of it all backwards. I was trying to make my sketchbook combine with my writing, when instead, I should have been combining my writing with my sketching. I can do all of what I do in the lined pages of my inexpensive writing journal. I just couldn’t write in my sketchbook – so there you go! I would make my writing journal also my sketchbook.
Suddenly I realized what I’d been struggling to achieve had been achieved without my even realizing what was happening!!!
I wrote in my journal: “Finally, Cathy (Kate), I get it!! Good grief… I’m a writer and an artist; I’m a list-maker, a note-taker. Why in the world do I have to carry around so many books and supplies!…I’ll make my grocery lists here. Write down random thoughts and things I need to remember. Quotes from books and Scripture verses, anything I want to write! I can also draw anything and everything I see! I can doodle and dawdle and noodle and dabble! And do it all right here in YOU, sweet Journal!”
So now I know what I’m taking to the beach – my sweet journal and some pens, pencils and watercolor crayons. Then I’ll also take my new 11x14 Aquabee sketchbook for back at the beach house when I want to paint with my watercolors and gouache and explore those sketches further! How perfect! How freeing!
Seems also quite elementary, but I had to EXPERIENCE it before I understood it!
What a wonderful breakthrough for you! I'm going to have to try it myself. I think I'll like it a whole lot!! Thank you for sharing, and thank you too, Kate! nancy
Wonderful post!! I have been in a dilemma always.. I still can't figure it out!! Maybe I should just dive in and give it a shot.. Like you said, just start in my inexpensive one..!!
Like your drawings - so loose and relaxed..!
Have a wonderful time at the beach :) :)
Thanks for sharing this. I am the keeper of many books too. LOL
Great post!! I do this. Though I tried keeping a writing journal separate, I can never seem to not doodle and draw in them!
Yay! I took Kate's class on journaling and have thought about the one book idea. The only thing for me is although I am not a writer (so Journal Spilling was a disappointment I should have realized before buying) I do jot down quotes and lists of many things. Like you, I don't want to waste my "good" journal so what to do? I'm still not sure but I am working on it. I am trying to finish filling my current journals and then I think I will be trying one where I work from front to back with no skipping around as I get lost when I do that and I will try to incorporate lists. At least some of my lists as my grocery list is also handled by my husband and he is not going to want to carry my journal! I am so happy you came up with your solution before your trip as that gives you some proving ground to see how it really fits. It looks like it will from your lined journal pages you share here.
It'll be okay, you go and have fun at the beach.
FUN!! Congratulations on your discovery :)
What a wonderful story!!! Good for you!! You are enlightened and freed to do as you please! Isn't that just the best feeling! Have fun at the beach!
Beautifully done! Congrats on your discovery. I look forward to seeing what becomes of your new journal.
A great breakthrough! I try to keep just one (well and a tiny moleskine gridded paper for sketches for scrapbook layouts). I have started using a lined writing tablet and love it! mostly words, lists, some designs, doodles. So yeah, I guess I am doing what you do!
I have the same difficulties as you describe re: writing in my watercolor sketchbooks - the paper seems way to good to use haphazardly to make lists etc. So I keep a writing journal - cheap Meade notebook from Staples - and that is where I put my writing and To-Do and Shopping lists and an occasional sketch. My grandchildren even like to scribble/write in it. I can almost reconstruct full days by looking for the same date in each type of journal.
Fantastic breakthrough!
I also had trouble getting past that "wasting good paper with words" thinking; Kate's journals helped me get over it.
Now I often write whole pages in my watercolor journals --- things I read and want to remember,sermon notes or Bible study notes, etc. It helps to realize that your writing IS just as important to you as your art is. Both are worthy of a permanent place in your journals.
This was an interesting and thought provoking post--thanks for sharing. I think your sketches are very good, and the lined paper seems to add to them somehow.
i still just can't seem to get the lists and appointments and phone numbers in one book thing down. what if i need it after i am finished with the book? what if i can't find the page when i need it? i'd love to have everything in one place, but just can't seem to let go of the 'everything in its (separate) place' mentality.
good for you for giving it a try! good luck and have fun at the beach.
Thanks for sharing! I have been struggling with similar issues lately and your post is very inspiring. Have a great vacation!
Thank you all for your comments! It's amazing to know that I'm not alone in this struggle! I am so thankful for like minds and kindred spirits! Thanks!!!!
juliet - I wouldn't and don't put phone numbers and appointments in my sketchbook. Those go in my address book and in my calendar at work or I'd never know if I was coming or going. I'm just referring here to my lists of things to do (not work-related, but just sort of like journaling) and my writing - combining with sketching those things that strike me throughout the day. You definitely can't combine EVERYTHING into one book - I could not survive without my desk calendar, but that's a whole different kind of thing I think.
I'm glad you had this breakthrough! And your books will be much richer for combining them! I do the same thing, but I do it in the sketchbook on heavier paper because that way I can use marker or whatever I like. At first I thought it too expensive, but then I decided that it's an investment in me....and as hobbies go, actually pretty cheap. I still keep a separate address/calendar in my purse, but all the journaly type stuff...musing, drawing, lists goes into the one sketchbook.
Me too... I hate doing my 3 pages of Morning pages on watercolour or sketchbook paper...
I've been using colours in my regular lined journal sometimes now too!
It's amazing to me that other people have felt the same way I do about this. It's held me back from making journal entries because I felt so conflicted about this....
NO MORE!! Thanks for your post Deborah!
From Deb E
ChristianJournaling @ yahoogroups
What a fascinating post! I've had moments like that - and they have been so wonderful!
I can so totally relate to having to try to be perfect on nice paper. Every now and then I just scribble or draw in a small notebook or on a post-it note, and then I am totally unselfconscious and free. It is not so, even with drawing, in my watercolor Moleskine, where I try to do it well all of the time. This is why I keep another Moleskine for "crap" (although sometimes it comes out not so bad).
As for writing and drawing on the same page - I never really wanted to, but when I've tried it has not gone well. In other words, I gave that up long ago. (Maybe again some day) My writing is on my blog. :)
Wow! You have put into words the dilemma that so many of us share! Great post!
I had this breakthrough myself a few years ago. It takes time to get used to it, but now I love it, and wouldn't do it any other way. It is very freeing to draw knowing it's for your eyes only, but sometimes that leads to something really wonderful happening. I learn a lot from the "silly, little sketches" I do in my joural.
Great post and great idea! :)
I am going to read more about it! I think it might be the way I should go as well. :-) Wonderful Post!
WOW!! What an experience and insight for the rest of us to draw upon! I, too, plan to consolidate my journaling, lists, etc., probably not to ONE journal yet, but to certainly cut down from the many I tried to keep up with in 2010! THANKS for sharing this with us!
Blessings, Lyn in Nampa ID [from the Christian Journaling Yahoo Group]
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