Happy weekend to everyone!
Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's! ~~Psalm 103: 1-5
Photos taken of a flower arrangement on my front porch table yesterday morning. I was able to get very, very close to this butterfly and he was so busy he didn’t seem to notice. And the bee – I didn’t get quite as close, but used the zoom a little more carefully.
Wednesday morning, July 4 (Independence Day for us Americans), I spent some time “moodling and smooshing” paint around. I think I get these words from Jennifer Edwards, at any rate she inspired this – just playing with watercolor for a bit. Wetting the paper and watching the color moodle and smoosh about…
Tonight, at a loss as to what to eat for dinner, I fixed myself a sandwich with a little touch of peanut butter, 1/2 a banana, and homemade (not by me) strawberry preserves… yummm… It’s been too hot here to actually cook and eat normally. Mid 90’s and even hotter tomorrow. Not normal for these mountains and not natural anywhere if you ask me…
After my little snack, I set about doing the most important thing – drawing. I was inspired by Danny Gregory's recent challenge to revisit the EDM challenges starting at # 1. Now I didn’t start at 1 because I’m a rebel I suppose or because I just like drawing my collection of cups and pitchers. I might be more disciplined with sticking to the list tomorrow, but then again I might not. At any rate – this post and the facebook group Every Day Matters has given me focus and gotten me drawing, and I am so very grateful for that – for Danny Gregory and the inspiration he gives to so many.
And of course I am going to use the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen for these challenges until the ink runs out or the urge hits me to switch to something else. The important things --- DRAW! Yes that is my new focus for the time being, and it feels so good!
Definition of EXPRESS
transitive verb
a : DELINEATE, DEPICT b : to represent in words : STATE c : to give or convey a true impression of : SHOW, REFLECT d : to make known the opinions or feelings of (oneself) e : to give expression to the artistic or creative impulses or abilities of (oneself) f : to represent by a sign or symbol : SYMBOLIZE
a : to force out (as the juice of a fruit) by pressure b : to subject to pressure so as to extract something
: to send by express
: to cause (a gene) to manifest its effects in the phenotype; also : to manifest or produce (a character, molecule, or effect) by a genetic process
— ex•press•er noun
— ex•press•ible \-É™-bÉ™l\ adjective
This weekend I visited Cheap Joe’s where I met live and in person the beautiful and talented Ann Nemcosky. What a privilege and blessing to meet Ann, and also her charming husband, “the Professor”, and her beautiful and very polite and friendly daughter, “the Kiddo”. Wow! What a weekend!!!!
Here we are enjoying posing in front of artwork in the gallery at Cheap Joe’s.
and after our meeting – which in itself was more than worth the trip. I bought tons of art supplies – yes! more!
But I will say that I bought the things that I’m most passionate about – Kilimanjaro and Arches watercolor paper; not 1 but 2 Aquabee Super Deluxe 9” x 9” Sketchbooks – my all time favorite sketchbook and truly as it boasts on the front “the only sketchbook you will ever need”; Pitt Big Brush Pens in all my favorite colors – something I’ve wanted for a very long time; a few more Prismacolor colored pencils, as one can never have enough; some Golden Fleece brushes; the Pentel Aquash waterbrush; some linoleum cuts to try making my own stamps – something I’ve wanted to do for a while; and just for fun, some Sparkle gelly roll pens.
Frivolous spending! So much fun and so very exciting.
Color! Sometimes you just need to play with colors. I have rediscovered how wonderful these crayons are after not having used them in a while. Stay tuned for more color play...
Have you ever felt like you had so many projects and ideas up in the air all at once, so many things going on creatively, that you couldn’t even construct a blog post that makes sense. Well that is what has me blocked and procrastinating here in blog land.
I’ll give you just a sampling of all the things I’m working on or have been working on recently, Works in Progress if you will:
I’m having a great spring/summer. Taking lots of nature sketching excursions and I will have more to share later. So much is happening in this creative, art-filled world of mine that I can hardly keep up with the blogging. I am loving every minute! Please stay tuned
Hope your summer is art-filled too!