
Thursday, June 21, 2012

So Many Projects and Ideas…So Little Time

Have you ever felt like you had so many projects and ideas up in the air all at once, so many things going on creatively, that you couldn’t even construct a blog post that makes sense. Well that is what has me blocked and procrastinating here in blog land. 

I’ll give you just a sampling of all the things I’m working on or have been working on recently, Works in Progress if you will:

First – Freestyle Embroidery and painting on Fabric


Making Fabric Books for collage, painting in later:


And lastly, lots of sketching and watercolor-ing


I’m having a great spring/summer. Taking lots of nature sketching excursions and I will have more to share later. So much is happening in this creative, art-filled world of mine that I can hardly keep up with the blogging. I am loving every minute!  Please stay tuned Smile

Hope your summer is art-filled too!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Some great textures and effects here. Hope you are having better summer weather than us in rainy England. It does put a dampener on plein air somewhat!!!


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