No 40-year-old woman should be havin' this much fun!!!
My page for today and then one for tomorrow - I was on a roll!
Next I made a couple of bookmarks...
I think I might add text later especially to the one on the right, but it's a great start!
Notice the stitching down the side of the one on the left. I used an embroidery needle and floss. I glued the fabric with a glue stick and then sewed down one side. It's muslin fabric that I painted with Neocolor II crayons and then outlined with a Pigma Micron brush pen.
The border at top and bottom is torn strips from a watercolor dyed coffee filter. The collage on the right is the same - strips from a wc dyed coffee filter.
A lot of joy going on here for a very rainy Monday! Remember JOY comes from within!!
Love the looseness and the expressiveness of your watercolors.
Joy is what those pages scream! Nice job.
Who knew that you could make something this pretty from a coffee filter?
And hey - EVERY 40 year old woman (and everyone else for that matter) should be having that much fun, all of the time. I am quite sure the world would be a better place!
Well they really do spell JOY all over ^^ The colors, the styles, the writing, one couldn't help but to have a big smile on their faces when they look at them =) I mean from coffee filter? That's just impressive!
Love it, look at my comment on the entry before this, I jumped ahead of myself. Duh.!!
Jy is right! I say, what 40 year old woman should NOT be having this much fun???? Paint on! And enjoy.
i just love all the bright colors and graphic images!!!!!
I am thrilled you are having such a good time. That's why your pages are so great.
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