
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Journal Pages

Some new journal pages I've been working on lately. I just completed the bottom one at lunch today.
My thoughts are on comparing myself to others, which is always a dangerous thing to do. I am so thankful for all my online artist friends who share their studios, their creativity and their lives - we need each other. My daughter's friends homes are so organized, uncluttered, decorated perfectly with what's in style. Just like a picture in Better Homes and Gardens. Mine is not. Mine is sometimes pure chaos, small, and full to the brim with art supplies and books and my colorful crazy art. It leaves me feeling like I'm lacking and yet I wouldn't trade this creative, colorful, chaotic life for anything. But today I'm feeling like an unorganized, clutzy, flying by the seat of her pants mom who could use some getting-it-together. Anyway... enjoy my journal pages and share in my chaos.


Central California Bucket List said...

Love all of them! :)

Anonymous said...

very nice pages! :-)

Timaree said...

I like your pages. You may have friends who are so organized and living in House Beautiful homes but I have SISTERS like that! I just try to enjoy their nice, clean, pretty homes and hope they'll enjoy my home for the artwork I produce and food I cook. I can't be who I'm not just to please them.

Lynn said...

I love your journal pages. They are as unique and wonderful s you are!

lotsofglue said...


I cannot stand to have a plain room. My friends come over and always look for new stuff that I added to my kitchen.

Live colorful and scattered, it is much more fun!!

Alex said...

I think the pages are so pleasant to look at. I'd totally flip them back and forth just to see them again and again :)

Cynthia said...

Great pages and great you took the time to do them. I sometimes go through the same thoughts with a friend or two I think have "it" all together but know they have issues with trying to be perfect. I love the chaos that creativity brings to my home/space and when I'm finally choking on the dust I take a few minutes to work at it and know all is right with my world. Thanks so much for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wonderful pages, and you make beautiful, colorful art! Don't let others get you down; they are just different. We can't all be the same...think how boring we would all be! My sister is the organizer, btw; I'm the chaotic mess. It seems every family has one! :D

Ramona Davidson said...

WOW!! I like how you have approached the scripture and word studies on your pages. Also, like how you engage an issue you are working through. Wonderful approaches to the things going on in your life. I will remember this and let it teach me another approach to journaling. Thank you for sharing your journey.

Odd Chick said...

I love your journal pages. I bet that would not be as crazy wonderful if you were a perfectionist. I'm glad you have a messy studio and you share you free ideas in your journal with us.

Trece said...

OMG!! I was blown away by your art journal pages!! I immediately subbed so I can see more. You painted and wrote!! Seems impressive to me - so many are turning away from words. May 2011 be your best year ever!!


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