
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This "Following" thing - I just figured it out!! Duh!

I just now - this very morning - totally by accident figured out this whole "following" thing, and that you had to follow your own blog in order to send messages to your followers. I guess if I had read the directions to start with, it would have been a more satisfying experience. I apologize to all my followers for having never sent them a message - Duh!

Have a good day everybody!


Quilt knit said...

Love your sketching everything! Put a real softer graphite pencil in the supplies for rich darks.

Susan said...

well I certainly didn't know that. So count me in on the duh too.

Krista Meister said...

I didn't know that either! How cool.

john.p said...

Say what? I need to look into that.


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