This post will cover two subjects: 1. - my WIP handmade book, and 2. - my reading and ponderings in my journal.
I am finding myself sharing a lot of my journaling with you - must be getting more comfortable with this whole blogging thing. I like sharing with you and being very open and transparent. Because when it comes down to it - we're all in this thing together :-)
So first my handmade book -
Remember my post on December 26 regarding my handmade book - this is my first session of starting to fill it. The photo above is the very first page as you open the cover - I guess in most books this would be the title page. I began by painting each page in blue watercolor and then adding collage elements. The page below is two paintings, one on fabric - collaged into the book - I will add text and other elements later. This is definitely a work-in-progress.
The page below is a paper towel collaged on the page. I liked the pattern imprinted in this paper towel and noticed how nice it looked when I blotted the watercolor painted page at left. So I was inspired to glue the blotter paper towel in as a nice background.
Now my next subject - I'll call it "Binging and Purging - Creativity Bulemia"
Yesterday I was reading
Suzanne Simanaitis' pages on "Addition and Subtraction: An Artist Finds Herself Amidst the Clutter" in Sheri Gaynor's book
Creative Awakenings. She writes:
"That's why its so sad and so difficult to get rid of all this stuff. It feels
like I'm abandoning the dreams that go with it...
This hoarding is symptomatic of a failure to live in the present. I saw, I desired, I bought. That felt gratifying. But I didn't follow through on the vision; now I barely recall that beautiful object I so fervently wished to create."
Now I don't know if this hit home with some of you, but, oh, it did with me!!
Pictured above at top left is my little corner of the kitchen, okay big corner... Then I show my individual drawer of watercolor tubes (top right), and acrylics (bottom left) and lastly colored pencils.
Now Ms. Simanaitis was writing this "intention" (to find out what that is you'll have to order the book :-)) because her house was so cluttered with art supplies that she couldn't get to a clear space to create. I don't have that problem necessarily, but I do have a problem; as perhaps do we all, with the need to buy art supplies and, for me, books.
I know I can be inspired by a new material reference in someone's blog entry, an excerpt from a book, and suddenly I
must have that new art thingy-majig, and I must have it
NOW!! Another weird thing I do is that I must have two of everything. Two of all my favorite colors of markers, colored pencil, paint tubes, etc. Two Faber-Castell Pitt Big Brush Pens in black - two Ebony design pencils -- whatever the new thingy is - I must have two. What is that?
I've thought this over to some great length - as this isn't the first time I've examined this whole issue. I think in my case, it's fear. Fear that I'll run out of something. Fear of not having enough. Because my thought process goes like this - "Now let's see, how many tubes of cobalt violet watercolor do I have? Oooh I love that color! Uh-oh I only have 2 1/2 tubes and this one is almost empty - what if I run out - I should order more!" Now I ask you, is one tube of any color not enough at one time? It's as if I think that one day the world is going to run out of art supplies and I will be left bereft and alone with my partial tube of dried up cobalt violet paint.
Also I think that for some reason buying new art supplies or new books for me is like getting a "fix". It creates excitement and gets my adrenaline flowing. The problem is it's short-lived and within a few days or a week the new "thing" I was so excited about is now old. And the cycle continues.
And then one day I feel guilty and overwhelmed by all my new "things" and I gather up a box of things I think I can part with and I donate or somehow rid myself of them... only in most cases to eventually buy at least part of them back and bemoan the rest asking myself how I could have been so silly as to have sold that/given that away!! And the cycle continues.
Where will it end!? It must end.
What about you? Any of this ring true? I'd love to hear your thoughts.