My plans for tomorrow - first a visit with a dear friend and kids.
Then I want to get a cup of tea or coffee and sit back - maybe watch a movie - the VA Tech bowl game, or read a good book. Reflect on the past year and celebrate.
Next year - my ultimate goal is to maintain a quiet and undisturbed spirit - to be at peace.
How to do that? - put God first - spend time in His Word, developing a close relationship with Him. That is the only way.
Goals? Plans? No, I've decided to abandon all my pondering and goal-setting and make the above my focus. Maintaining a quiet spirit - no easy task. And enough to think about all by itself.
The purpose of my art - to glorify God and express my creative self - to ENJOY life, to enjoy the gifts God has given me. I like to play! It's okay to play!!! I've spent most of my life striving, feeling like I'm never good enough, feeling like I need to do more. In 2010 I'm going to do less and be more. I'm going to have fun and play with my art. I'm going to read Christian fiction for enjoyment and inspiration. I'm going to put less pressure on myself.
Now it's fine for people to have a plan for their blog for each year, or each month. Some people need motivation or focus - direction. I am weary of being so darned motivated. I want to relax more and know that it's okay!! Not to be lazy of course - but I have had no trouble during my 40 years being motivated, driven. Now I'm learning to just "go with the flow" and I like it!!! I won't turn back now! I've come too far. It's very tempting to write those goals down, restrict myself to a plan with rules and expectations, pressure - but NO I won't do it!!! I want to keep that calendar uncluttered - full of endless possibilities. So here's to a new year everybody - a year filled with possibilities and promise...