
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Longaberger Mug - Tomato

I did this at work Friday. This is my new Longaberger Tomato Coffee/Tea Mug. It's become my favorite cup. I carry it around everywhere. It was sitting on my desk at work and I took a break to sketch it. First I drew a contour drawing in Pilot Precise V5 pen (not waterproof). Then I added black Caran d'Ache Neocolor II for the shadow areas. Then once that was dry, I went back in with Prismacolor Scarlet Lake, Pale Vermilion, Carmine Red, Crimson Red, and Orange. I then added a few other colors in the Neocolor II crayons. It's a bit too dark, but overall it's an interesting sketch. So much fun to do! Sometimes I'm at my office (I'm an executive secretary) and I just feel like if I don't sketch I'm going to simply explode. So I have a bunch of Prismacolor colored pencils and Sharpie's on my desk at all times, and I carry my sketch bag with me everywhere for these "emergencies"! In my sketch bag are 4x6 pieces of watercolor paper, sketchbooks, Yarka Professional watercolor palette, Prismacolor Markers - at least 20, a glue stick, a kneaded rubber eraser, a Faber Castell PITT Artist Pen 02, a woodless graphite pencil, Prismacolor pencils in all my favorite colors, a child's watercolor palette emptied out and filled with my tube colors, brushes, my Niji waterbrush, a container for water, a small squirt bottle, and - last but not least - my Caran d'Ache Neocolor II crayons. Whew! Can you believe all that fits just fine in a cloth bag with pockets all the way around that I picked up at a yard sale for $5!

I went to Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Tradeshow yesterday and got a 24 set of Derwent INKTENSE pencils!! I am so excited! Laura Frankstone introduced them on her blogsite and I just had to have them. I can't wait to do a sketch with them and post it. Might be tomorrow though. Right now I must have a nap. My weekend was just too exciting!!!


Anonymous said...

Deborah, I LOVE this cup sketch!! (Mugs are horribly hard to draw, btw, I think)---it is just so solid and warm and fun and the background is so painterly! Yay for you!

Anonymous said...

Great job. I drew my ivory LB mug as one of my first EDM challenges.


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