Today's Lunchtime Sketch is in memory of Patti Gregory, because I could not get her tragic death off my mind today. My heart breaks for Danny and Jack and their extended family. Praying for you all - that God will comfort and bring peace - something only God can do.
Above is my traveling art studio. I grab this in the morning along with a water jar that fits in my cupholder, and Voila - a fully equipped studio right there in my car.
Going for two weeks without art made me realize how my life does revolve around it. My thoughts continually turned to art and I would channel them elsewhere - feeling a huge loss. I felt such a loss! My daughter and I talked last night and she said (not knowing anything about my decided abstinence from art), "What's wrong?? For the past two weeks you have not been like yourself. You seem so sad." I told her about my decision to fast from art and I realized that it had to be that. Yes, work is very, very stressful right now; I have a lot on my mind both at work and personally, but art - those lunchtime getaway sketches - are what keep me happy. I realize too that God made me that way. He gave me this drive to create art. He gave me eyes to see beauty and that urge to get my impression or the expression of it onto my journal page. I didn't actually set a time to begin making art again; it just felt like it was time. And the urge had grown so strong it would not be silenced any longer. I was almost in tears yesterday when I painted that daisy, just so thankful to have that ability. So thankful to be able to pick up that brush and paint and pick up the pen and draw - it was worshipful in itself. And the One I worship was pleased. I believe that. It felt like I had been in a dry, hot desert for 2 weeks with very, very little water and suddenly before me was the awaited oasis. I can hardly stop drinking! Thank you, God!!!
That's a great memorial page. God gave us all different gifts and we need to use them the best we can. You have the gift of art. I don't know why you quit for a while but I am glad you are back as it seems to be such a large part of you.
It's a beautiful drawing, and a wonderful tribute. At the same time it's a great rediscovery for yourself I believe. I too am busy with my schedule, and surprisingly it's not even an actually profession that's keeping me away from art, it's just coping with everyday life basically. But I never once forget about art, it's something that keeps me going on, and make me believe that there's always room for more creation, because that's what we do... we turn a piece of otherwise mundane piece of paper, canvas, or a surface into something interesting, beautiful, meaningful. Art is always beautiful, and to me I can't even put a price on a piece of art, the same how you can put a price on the smile you see when you present the piece of art to someone else.
Creativity has to flow, it is a form of energy and if you block it, it will lock/block you. Enjoy your lunches with the watercolour book - they are fab!
awesome, I think you will enjoy your time on Christian womens journaling group. Glad you found us. Your post fully connects me to the way I must write, take pictures and journal about them, paint when I need.. Its a form of worship and I was created to worship him.
What a lovely tribute to Patti. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I love this post. I mean, I really love this post! It has wonderful sentiments. I love your tribute to Patti and your travel studio. And I love that you recognize our gift from God and how it brings us peace. Goodness, I am so grumpy when I am not making art!
Lovely sketch and sentiments.
A sweet and heartfelt memorial to Patti and a fine journal entry. nancy
Very inspiring post and great memorial page.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing with us your lovely art, grief, and heart. So much of my life has been artless because there was no place to share or express it. It is interesting to hear others voice their "artness", their creativity that pours out of them as God's gift. I am grateful to God for opening this door in my life and helping me find others who love art and that I can share with.
Love your simple journal style.
This is a truly touching post. That was a wonderful tribute to Patti and a beautiful discovery about yourself. Enjoy the gift of creativity that God has obviously given to you in abundance!! Thank you for sharing. BTW, the traveling studio is brilliant.
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